Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A Power Outage

Today was one of those incredibly busy days that I should have been stressed about, but was gratefully not. Needless to say, when I arrived home at 5:45 I made my dinner, and plopped on the couch. Have not really moved since then. It is now 11:45. I halfheartedly did a bit of studying to feel somewhat productive. Whenever i have a busy day like this, I get home and think that none of my other work matters... Whennnn it does. Tonight I was sitting on the couch, ready to open a book and the power went out. You should have seen how quickly the excuses to not study came out. My roommate started lighting some candles, but i claimed the candles were "too dim to study by". And then the next thought that came to mind was "I have wine in the refrigerator!" We can see how this power outage quickly shifted my priorities from studying to alcohol abuse... I was so ready to ditch those books and finish that bottle. Fortunately (or unfortunately depending on how you look at it) the power came back on and I put the bottle away and took my books back out. But it makes me wonder... what kind of person would I be without the lights on?

Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Danielle Series: Taking out the Trash

I go to throw my trash into the dumpster today...Throw the bags up.. into the dumpster. Get to this last Trader Joe's brown bag filled with the bathroom trash. Throw it up... OVER the dumpster. Trash falls out... My feminine products are now on the ground behind the dumpster.

The Danielle Series: The Death of an Itouch

Yesterday I was coming home from work and was listening to fun, dance music on my Itouch. I was enjoying it so much that i kept the music on while cooking my lunch, dancing around the kitchen. I had the Itouch in my back pocket to give me more movement. Well, after a bit I had to pee... Rather than pressing PAUSE, taking the Itouch OUT of my pocket... I decided to leave it in there so I could continue to listen while i peed? Bad idea.. Pulled down my pants, anddd the Itouch slipped INTOOO the toilet.... Music kept going oddly enough. Butttt then of course... it stopped...

The Danielle Series: Highlights from the Past

Junior High: The Bus

It was my first week at the Junior Senior High School.  I was a bit nervous being a 7th grader at a school with seniors. Older kids were so scary back then. As the bus pulled up to the school, I gathered all my stuff together. Big backpack stuffed with those heavy textbooks, gym bag filled with shorts, T-shirt, cleats, shing guards, water bottle, soccer ball, flute case. Needless to say, as I stood up from the seat I was a bit unstable. Rather than trying to get myself steady before walking off the bus, I decided to do it WHILE walking off the bus. Sure enough, I didn't quite make it down the steps. Instead, I tripped down the stairs and fell into a mud puddle. Everyone stared at me while i stood up, trying to rub the dirt off my khaki pants. What a great first impression.

College: Boiling Water

One night I can't get to sleep so I decide to make myself a cup of tea. After three minutes, I take the mug out of the microwave. The water inside it is boiling. I guess I did not get a steady hold of the cup because the water spills down my shirt and I drop the mug. I'm kind of in shock with the situation and am laughing about what just happened. Then I realize that i am IN PAIN. I grab a towel and wet it with water. I put it on the floor and I lay on the floor... on my towel... I call my dad to tell him what happens and he's like "Uh Danielle... You really should go to the emergency room." I'm like "I'm fine, I'm fine." Couple minutes later... Nooooo not fine. So i walk over to health services. It's midnight and I am walking in public with a bath towel wrapped around my stomach...I look like a freak. Then I get there, health services is dead. I'm laying on this bed waiting for them to give me the pain meds. They tell me I have second and third degree burns. So I walk out of there with bandages wrapped around my stomach. For about two weeks I have to go get the bandages changed daily and walk around school with a big bulge coming out of my shirt.... All because I have unstable hands.

The Danielle Series

Most of my friends know by now that I am a bit of a clutz... Perhaps that is an understatement. I have an above average amount of clumsy/ridiculous things that happen to me. I really do not know what i do to bring on these situations. Perhaps I need to slow down a bit or develop some street smarts. However, they do make funny stories. So I am going to start posting these. Anything titled "The Danielle Series" will be an embarrassing, moment that probably could have been prevented. Enjoy. :)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Craigslist Personals

If you ever ever looking for some meaningless, degrading, embarrassing words to read, check out the "casual encounters" personal ads on Craigslist. I was reading some yesterday. AND NOTTT because i was looking for a "casual encounter" on Craigslist! (had to save myself from that one before someone else asked "why were you on there?") But no, I enjoy some good humor. The people who post on this site, are ridiculous. I want to think that these people are joking... but you never know.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A Hobby

I need a hobby. I've been going on interviews and the hiring managers always say, "Great, you sound like you do so much. now what do you do for fun?" At this point I smile and think to myself. Can't tell them that i enjoy going out to bars and getting drunk with friends. Can't tell them the other...."non-interview material" activities i enjoy... Can't tell them i go on facebook and space out for a good hour or so. (although not recently! I got rid of facebook - hence my need for a new activity) What do i tell them?

But yes, now that i have rid Facebook from my life, i realize that i need a hobby. I cannot just finish my homework and go straight to bed. That is so depressing. I need to enjoy something before going to sleep. I do enjoy a glass of red wine, from the glass or straight from the bottle. Sometimes you just get to lazy to fill the glass! But seriously... what do young people do for fun these days other than those activities mentioned above? I enjoy cooking. But cooking at 12:00 am could be detrimental to my body. I know Facebook wants to be everyone's hobby. but no Facebook, you are not taking my life over. I will find another hobby and stick it in your face. I'll keep you posted.